Student Activities
Associated Student Body (ASB) of Licton Springs K-8
The purpose of ASB is to promote representative and democratic government, social justice, student activities, and the general welfare for Licton Springs K-8 School; to improve and promote student, staff, and community interaction through mutual respect and communication; to increase student voice in school management; and to continue and establish traditions, activities, events, and responsibilities which promote a positive school atmosphere and culture. Once a week classroom representatives from grades 2-8 meet to discuss important issues pertaining to our school.
Green Team
The Licton Springs Green Team strives to create a greener learning environment and lessen the school’s carbon footprint. Through their efforts, they have greatly reduced their lunch waste, provided recycled materials for use in the art room, saved lunch food for afternoon recess, reduced classroom waste, improved their overall school recycling. They are learning that their actions have an effect on the environment, and they know that their job is a responsibility to their community. When they are walking to recess, they pick up trash as they go. When they are on a field trip, they look for the nearest recycling and compost bins. They are learning to live reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Chess and Board Club
Chess Club/Board Game Tuesday occurs during lunchtime recess in the shared learning space on the first floor. All students are welcomed to play chess or board games such as Connect 4, Candy Land, Sorry, Scrabble, Uno and computer games on their cell phones or tablets. Just by virtue of playing them, board games can teach important social skills, such as communicating verbally, sharing, waiting, taking turns, and enjoying interaction with others. Board games can foster the ability to focus, and lengthen your child’s attention span by encouraging the completion of an exciting, enjoyable game.
Physical Education
“Preventing couch potatoes while they are still small fries.”
Physical Education Classes:
Licton Springs K-8 has a success-oriented, physical education program with an emphasis on cooperation, lifetime health and fitness, and motor skills development. We teach PE in an anti-racist and non-sexist atmosphere to build confidence, mutual respect, teamwork, and fitness. Our program offers a variety of indoor alternative sports and games such as: unicycles, double dutch, juggling, wall ball, handball, yo-yos, floor hockey, voluntary president’s physical fitness testing, traversing wall, badminton, and the UW Kids Marathon, as well as the more traditional field and court sports: flag football, ultimate Frisbee, softball, soccer, field hockey, basketball. Gym activities are not confined to the gym, nor even just the school grounds. Classes extend to the Webster Park next door. Our assessment tool is an action based P.E. journal that is continually transformed by the students and the teacher. The average class size is 18-19, and PE is offered to all grades K-8.