Technology Policy

Technology Policy
Licton Springs Technology Policy- Effective 5/1/2024
Licton Springs K-8 has made a commitment to intentionally support students in their effective use of technology. We have a variety of school related technology available throughout the school day, students will have access to their school issued iPads or laptops for a variety of educational purposes, directed by school staff.
Our school staff have observed that students’ personal devices can and have posed educational disruptions and significant social conflict. Per Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, the use of personal electronic devices is restricted to the education and research mission of the district and school staff retain final authority in deciding when and how students may use personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day, and use is limited to designated district guest networks. Students have been made aware of this slight change in policy over the past few weeks.
Thus, Licton Springs K-8 school adheres to a no personal device policy between the first and last bell of the day, 7:55 am-2:25 pm (1:10 Wednesday). This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, and devices with internet access. The following is in effect:
- Personal electronics must be left at home or placed in backpacks before reporting to the first period of the day.
- Students must put away ear buds during the school day
- Exceptions will be made if a student has accommodations in place for use of electronics (E-Readers, earbuds for music, etc.)
Additionally, the school is not responsible for the care of students’ electronic devices. Students bring these to school at their own risk. Licton Springs is not staffed to conduct investigations into lost or missing devices.
If students do not abide by these expectations, the following actions will be taken:
First offense
- After two warnings from any staff member, Licton Springs staff will confiscate any electronics not properly stowed.
- The student can pick it up at the end of the class period and put it in their backpack.
- If it is seen again by the same teacher/staff member, then that will be moved to the second offense.
Second offense
- After two warnings from any staff member, Licton Springs staff will confiscate any electronics not properly stowed.
- The student can pick up the device from the main office at the end of the day.
- If it comes to the office a second time, then that will be moved to the third offense.
Third offense
- After two warnings from any staff member, Licton Springs staff will confiscate any electronics not properly stowed.
- A guardian will need to pick up the device from the main office.
- The student will need to check their device into the main office daily for at least two weeks or specified by the administrator.
If you need to get in contact with your student throughout the day, please call our main office at 206-743-3700.