School Supply List

Licton Springs Classroom Supply Lists 2024-25
Please let us know if you are unable to purchase the items on the list for any reason or if you can’t get supplies by the start of the year, we can get your student set up to have what they need to feel successful. On the flip side, if you are able to send in extra supplies to help support other students, that is great too!
All Elementary Students Need
- backpack (large enough to hold daily folders, library books, and supplies)
- personal water bottle
Choose a few of the following to share
* pick a few now and check with your teacher throughout the year to see what needs replenished (deliver to your classroom teacher or the main office)
- Ziploc bags, all sizes (sliders are ideal)
- Blue painters tape
- Post-it notes in various colors and sizes
- Index cards
- Cleaning wipes (non-bleach)
- Tissues (like Kleenex)
- Band-aids (variety of skin colors and patterns)
- Snacks that are non-perishable with NO NUTS (on-going request throughout the year)
- Construction paper
- Skin color art supplies (crayons, paper, colored pencils, markers, etc.)
We will be using community supplies to support students’ development in material management and caring for our classroom community (excepting personal items like a reusable water bottle, headphones, and backpack, lunchbox, etc.). Please note that supplies sent to school will be used throughout the year for the class, so specialized supplies (i.e., smelly markers, twisty crayons) are best left for your home supply. (please provide what you are able)
- over-the-ear headphones (to be kept at school) *NO Microphone
- 2 boxes of Ticonderoga pencils (pre-sharpened are great)
- 1 package of Pink Pearl Erasers
- 1 package of Crayola Crayons
- 1 package of Crayola Colored Pencils or Crayola Markers
- 2 packages of Expo Dry Erase Markers, 1 thin and 1 regular (colors preferred, but black is fine)
- Bulk consumable supplies (pipe cleaners, tissue paper, Playdoh, sidewalk chalk, bubble solution, decorative washi tape, stickers, etc.)
First/Second Grade
We will be using community supplies to better support students’ development in material management and caring for our classroom community. Please note that supplies sent to school will be used throughout the year for the class, so specialized supplies (i.e., smelly markers, twisty crayons) are best left for your home supply. (please provide what you are able)
- over-the-ear headphones (to be kept at school) *NO Microphone
- 2 glue sticks
- 2 folders
- 2 wide-ruled notebooks (spiral or composition)
- 1 pack of dry erase markers (regular or fine tip)
- Erasers (pink pearl are the best)
- Colored pencils
- crayons or markers (24 box or smaller)
- Dixie cups
Third/Fourth Grade
- 1 pack of pencils
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 3 wide-ruled composition notebooks (no spiral bound notebooks please!)
- 2 glue sticks
- 5 pocket folders
- Erasers (the flat kind that don’t go on top of pencils)
- Headphones with a microphone (if possible)
If you’re able, one or two of these items to contribute to the classroom
- Dry erase Markers (like Expo)
- Masking tape or Scotch tape
- Cleaning wipes (no bleach)
- Non-perishable snacks (no nuts or gelatin)
- Markers
Fifth/Sixth Grade
- 1 pack of pencils
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 3 wide-ruled composition notebooks (no spiral bound notebooks please!)
- 2 glue sticks
- 5 pocket folders
- Erasers (the flat kind that don’t go on top of pencils)
- Headphones with a microphone (if possible)
If you’re able, one or two of these items to contribute to the classroom
- MarkersMiddle School
- Dry erase Markers (like Expo)
- Masking tape or Scotch tape
- Cleaning wipes (no bleach)
- Non-perishable snacks (no nuts or gelatin)
Seventh/Eighth Grade
- #2 Pencils, Sharp and ready to go
- Red, Blue, and Black Ink Pens
- Headphones (cheap pair to keep at school) for the year – not wireless
- notebook paper – always have some on hand for all classes
- 2 Composition Graph notebook for Math
- 1 Composition Notebook for Science
- 2 Spiral Notebooks for ELA and SS classes
- 2″ binder
- Dividers (a set of 5 or 6 – for the binder)
- Scientific calculator (TI30 or similar, NOT a graphing calculator)
- Math Rulers- 6″ transparent
Pick 2 or 3 of these items for at school supplies:
(students can turn these in to the office or advisory teacher)
- Glue Sticks
- Dry erase Markers
- Post it notes (different sizes)
- Box (or two) of tissues
- Ziploc bags – various sizes (zipper or sliders are fine)
- Dry erase markers (regular or thin, colors or black)
- 2 pocket folders any color
- Handheld pencil sharpener
All Grades – electives/specialists
- Athletic shoes on PE Days
- Personal water bottle!