Licton Springs K-8

Licton Springs
Student Family Portal

Special Education

Special Education at Licton Springs


Resource services are intended to provide specially designed instruction to students with mild to moderate intensity in their instructional needs. These services support students spending most of their instructional time in general education settings with targeted support. Services may be provided in any setting, based on the individual IEP. Instructional content varies, based on each student’s IEP.

This service is open to all disability categories. Areas of specially designed instruction differ according to each individual IEP.

Students may have goals in one or more of the following areas of specially designed instruction.

Social/Emotional/Behavior – Involves interpersonal behavior, personal skills, self-related behaviors, sensory self-regulation, emotional behavior, organization and executive skills, and independent living skills, and attention to tasks

Academics – One or more of the following areas: in reading; basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency, math calculation, math reasoning, written expression, oral expression, listening comprehension.

Adaptive Skills are self-care, self-direction, problem solving, exercising choice, initiating and planning activities; and social skills.

Study/Organizational Skills include executive functioning skills. These are the ability to use certain thinking skills and achieve goals or to develop solutions to problems. These skills include the following: Planning, organization, time management, working memory, and metacognition (self-monitoring and self-evaluation), emotional control, task initiation, sustained attention, and flexibility.