Title I and LAP
Title I and LAP
How Title 1 and LAP Work
Students are made eligible for Title 1 or LAP services based on their scores on standardized assessments such as MAP, SBAC, or other state or district-wide assessments. Students are taught in the areas of reading, writing, and math and K-2 readiness skills.
In addition, students may receive emotional/behavioral supports if their work and performance adversely affect their academics. Teaching of students may be done in small pull-out groups, individual pull-outs, or directly in the classroom during class instructional time. Students receive research-based best practices in reading or math interventions.
Teaching materials include curricula used by district or other curricula from approved district alternative. Students are assessed at least 3 times a year to determine their progress. Students are exited from either Title 1 or LAP based on performance on state and district assessments, performance in daily academic work and teacher recommendations.
Selections of resources used in instruction include:
- Math in Focus
- Teachers College Readers Workshop
- Teachers College Writers Workshop
- Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Readers and Online reading
- Online research materials
- History textbooks
- Words Their Way
- Phonics Programs
- Supplemental math materials
- Supplemental reading materials
- RULER and other positive behavior supports
- Teacher developed materials
- Educational games
- Manipulatives and other hands-on learning materials
- Computer assisted learning programs
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP), as defined by Seattle Public Schools, “offers supplemental services for K-12 students scoring below grade-level standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics.”
LAP for Readiness skills in reading is also offered from grades K-2. These supports may include readiness skills, skill acquisition and building, or behavior supports to address barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction.
Title 1
As defined by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, “Title I Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the education needs of students.
The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing the state’s challenging performance standards in the areas of mathematics, reading, and writing.”
Part A Complaint Procedure
Licton Springs Title 1 Family Involvement Plan
Licton Springs Elementary School will meet the Title I statutory requirements by:
- School Wide Family/School compact posted on our website available in all Google-translated languages
- We maintain family communication through:
- Weekly family communications sent out by principal on Sundays
- Frequent use of talking Points
- Frequent parent outreach by classroom teachers and staff
- Staff members available to assist with interpretation in Spanish and Arabic and access to a district-provided translation service for phone and Teams meetings.
- Our Parent-Teacher Organization assists in this area by:
- Updating a PTO Facebook page
- Monthly PTO meetings open to all community members
Licton Springs will involve families in the development and revision of the school’s family involvement plan by:
- Soliciting family comments through scheduled meetings where the involvement plan is on the agenda (PTO meetings, Racial & Equity Team meetings, Building Leadership Team meetings, and others as appropriate)
- Soliciting family feedback through Pulse Survey sent out by the district
Licton Springs will involve families in the process of school review and improvement by:
- Representation on the Building Leadership Team (BLT) where major issues of educational policy and practice are decided around the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), budget, and professional development
- Parent representation on the Racial Equity Team where the school’s execution of racial inclusion and equity is evaluated, discussed, and planned for improvement
- Parent representation on most hiring committees
Licton Springs K-8 Family Meeting outlining the Title 1 program requirements and the rights of families will be held annually. This meeting is widely publicized by classroom announcements, translated flyers, calls, emails, etc.
The agenda includes:
- Family involvement opportunities
- Parent Involvement Plan
- Family-Teacher-Student Compact
- How Title I funds are spent at LSK8
- LSK8 Title I Complaint Procedure
Licton Springs will hold regularly scheduled family-teacher conferences.
- All teachers hold family connections meetings with families as this time is built into our master schedule
- Regular communication with families for students furthest from educational justice
- November academic conferences which include soliciting families’ perspectives on their children
Licton Springs will provide written reports of scores to families by:
- Distribution of reading and math formative and summative assessment data
- Providing progress reports at the quarter and trimesters
All teaching staff at Licton Springs Elementary School are Highly Qualified.
All new hires must meet Title 1 Requirements. Licton Springs Elementary School follows Title 1 guidelines in notifying families in the event of a long-term substitute if there is a need.
Activities by Licton Springs K-8 School to help parents understand academic requirements include:
- Back to School Night sessions on understanding school assessment reports
- Parent education sessions around special topics (I.e. high school choice and transition, anxiety, etc)
- Translated reports on student progress in addition to the report card
- Translators available during family/teacher conferences
School Leadership provides on-going training and support to all staff in communicating with parents and engaging them as equal partners in their scholar’s education.
In addition to all the activities listed above LSK8 has developed the following opportunities for parent involvement in the school.
- Parents serve as volunteers through the school
- Parent/Families involved with All-school programs
- All-school assemblies focused on heritage and cultural pride months
- MLK and Black Lives Matters celebrations
- Multicultural Night
- Language support for families whose home language is not English. This includes interpretation of conferences, student intervention team meetings, IEP meetings, and general conferences.
- Counselor who helps families with material needs and tracks families whose children are at risk of truancy or poor academic performance
- Parent involvement and leadership on the Building Leadership Team (BLT) and Racial and Equity Team.
- This plan is available in the front office. Copies are available through the PTO, Principal, and Head Teacher.
- Licton Springs K-8 School has a strong commitment to parent involvement. With a diverse linguistic, socio-economic, racial, cultural and ethnic community, the school strives to welcome, reach out to and include all families as equal partners.
Licton Springs Student/Family/School Compact
Families – Please read this compact with your child. Have both you and your child sign the compact and return it to the AM classroom teacher.
A compact is a written agreement that outlines how students, families and teachers will work together to accomplish great things for our children in school and in life. At Licton Springs, this is what we agree to in order to do our best and work well together!
Student Pledge
I pledge to:
- Come to school ready to learn, work hard, and do my best.
- Observe the school expectations to be safe, kind, helpful, and responsible.
- Be a self-manager – solve problems and practice making good decisions.
- Be present and engaged in classes and on SeeSaw.
- Read every day.
Family Pledge
I/We pledge to:
- Ensure that my child attends school every day and on time.
- Help my child get enough sleep on school nights, 10 hours or more for children ages 6-12.
- Provide a quiet time and place for school work.
- Read to my child and encourage my child to read daily.
- Read weekly newsletters from the principal and emails from teachers.
- Participate in school activities whenever possible.
- Attend parent/teacher conferences.
- Communicate with school staff about my child’s progress and seek help if my child is not meeting grade level academic standards or behavior expectations.
School Pledge
We pledge to:
- Provide a safe, warm and caring learning environment.
- Plan instruction that is engaging and appropriately challenging to students.
- Have high expectations of our students, and communicate these expectations clearly so that students and parents see growth.
- Make school expectations clear for students and enforce them fairly and consistently.
- Communicate regularly with families about student progress.
- Work as a team with other school staff to design excellent instruction and support students and families.
- Involve families in decision making and improving our school community.